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Topic review


Adding a bare SSH-connection feature in WinSCP would be really helpful for users like us who rely on PSUSAN for IoT devices. It’s good to see interest growing; hopefully, more people support this, and it gets implemented soon.

I'm interested on this too. However, it requires that this will be also implemented:
Issue 2143 – Support for connection sharing

The SSH-sharing connections is a complement of the psusan (bare SSH protocol) mode.

I hope it will be implemented.

Re: Bare SSH-connection missing

Because no one asked for it so far. Thanks for your suggestion.
We will see, if more people ask for this.

Bare SSH-connection missing


Why is the stock PuTTY "Bare SSH-Connection" missing in WinSCP?
We need it to connect to some IoT devices that we can only reach using PSUSAN. So for us this protocol is necessary. At time we can only use the psftp tool and not the good WinSCP.
Any reason for it?