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Topic review


The internet speed of your plan does not itself determine the actual speed you will get with anything. The other side will have its own speed. The ISP's may throttle various services. The location of the other side will determine speed as well. Even hardware and the hardware's firmware can affect speed eg TCP problems of the firmware can affect TCP connections.

There's a lot of possibilities. To figure it out, you do have to spend time and narrow it down. Martin's comment is only the beginning of that.

Re: WinSCP still slow for me 2024

What protocol? What speeds can you achieve with other clients using the same protocol? Please, post log both from WinSCP and the other client.

WinSCP still slow for me 2024

Hi all,

This topic has come by a few times while looking at the forum. However, I still am unable to resolve the issue, after trying all the provided solutions.

Have a 1Gbit connection, so download should be loads higher than 500kb/s or lower...

First I checked the Advanced settings

After that I checked some netsh settings

After all that, I still get terrible download speed

There are no poxies used

Hopefully somebody has a few ideas to look at?

Many thanks in advance!