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Re: SSH Channel 0-Channel Doesn't Exist. January 1st

I've never seen the error before.
Does it happen with other (SFTP?) clients too?
Please post session log file.

SSH Channel 0-Channel Doesn't Exist. January 1st


I am getting an error when transferring files from my PC to my Batocera Linux PC. On most of the files I transfer, an error message box pops up that says(paraphrasing)
SSH Error, Channel 0, Channel Doesn't Exist

If I tell it to reconnect, it will continue sending the file and eventually after telling it to reconnect several times, it will successfully transfer the file. I've never seen this particular error until today, which is January 1, 2025. I'm wondering if this is a known issue or if this is a date related error, perhaps from certificates expiring or something. Let me know if you are familiar with this issue please.