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Excluding all instances of the same directory


I have a simple script that synchronizes remote SFTP with local backup every night.
synchronize local -filemask="|Upload/"

is added to skip downloading Upload directory.

Now I need to add another one exclusion, which will skip all instances of directory Starsze wersje
part of directory tree looks like this:

/serwis/instalki/app1/Starsze wersje/
/serwis/instalki/app2/Starsze wersje/
/serwis/instalki/app3/Starsze wersje/

When I`ve added synchronize local -filemask="|Upload/; |*/Starsze wersje/" to filemask it doesn't work, stops with invalid filemask option in |*/Starsze wersje/.
How can I correctly exclude all instances of Starsze wersje from synchronization?