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Re: Slow data transmission speeds on just 1 client

Can you also post a log of a successful upload from a client that can upload larger files?

Slow data transmission speeds on just 1 client

We have a setup in which multiple SFTP clients connect to a same SFTP server for file transfers. What we see is that 3 of those clients have fine transmissions speeds and can migrate files up to gigabytes with ~60mb per second.
However, there is 1 client that is failing with files larger than 32kb. I did some research already and was able to change some settings for this client. What we did:
- Disabled the Optimize connection buffer size, which according to some posts should help.

What could we do to optimize these file transfers. Ultimately we will need to transfer files up to several MBs.

I have added a logfile that should show the difference between a ~31kb and ~34kb file.