MSBuild is not installed – I use MSVC 6.0 still. I would have discovered that was needed if I'd not been booted out of the CMD prompt ;-)
- mumble_myopia
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cannot be found, the exit
would exit even the parent cmd console. It should be exit /B
. Fixed:
was not installed. Was it?
existing (and where exactly?), the batch file stops on that line? It does not for me.
part definitely should not be there. That's mistake:
is found.
console window, to see it)
if not exist "%MSBUILD%" set echo Cannot find MSBUILD (%MSBUILD%, %MSBUILD_COMMUNITY%), install Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022 & exit
as it didn't seem appropriate but made no difference. Replacing the line with
if not exist "%MSBUILD%" echo "Bloop"