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MSBuild is not installed – I use MSVC 6.0 still. I would have discovered that was needed if I'd not been booted out of the CMD prompt ;-)

I was just running it from a cmd window but it closed that each time – was very frustrating

Re: build.bat crashes the DOS box

Sorry for my late response.
I'm not sure I understand. Do you mean that despite the MSBuild.exe existing (and where exactly?), the batch file stops on that line? It does not for me.
The set part definitely should not be there. That's mistake:
Issue 2340 – Stray "set" command in source code package build script
But it still should not cause problems, as long as the MSBuild.exe is found.
Does it show any error? (run the batch from an existing cmd console window, to see it)

build.bat crashes the DOS box

the line
if not exist "%MSBUILD%" set echo Cannot find MSBUILD (%MSBUILD%, %MSBUILD_COMMUNITY%), install Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022 & exit

causes the DOS box to close. I tried removing the set as it didn't seem appropriate but made no difference. Replacing the line with
if not exist "%MSBUILD%" echo "Bloop"

and all is sweetness and light.
This is running on Windows 10 Pro BTW.
Let me know if any more info needed.