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Topic review


My error. The left panel is showing the local folder from the last session but it cannot be accessed and the right panel is showing my user folder rather than the server folder.
I expected the panels to be blank on opening WinSCP.

A workspace is a set of sessions/tabs. You might have different workflows, and you might want to have separate workspaces for each.

The workspace should not automatically open, as you have the "Show login dialog on startup..." checked. Or is it? Can you post a screenshot of WinSCP after you start it?

I believe it's all documented here:

Thank you Martin. Yes very confusing.

I have now set up a site with just one path that will serve most of my needs. It looks like I can also set up other paths.

It begs the question as to why have workspaces where various settings cannot be changed. Maybe in an office environment an admin can set up a workspace so that a user can do whatever without knowing the password and so on?

Can I stop the workspace automatically opening or is that perhaps also part of the reason for having them?

Many thanks for the help you have given this newbie.

The entry on the "wnc02" screenshot is not a stored site. That's a confusingly-named workspace
You do not have any stored site to edit.

In WNC02 I cannot get to anything that allows me to edit the server path, password and so on.

Hopefully here are both images. If not missing one will be added in a moment.

Re: How to change site settings

Please post a screenshot of what you see.
The Advanced button should never be hidden. It is only disabled, if stored site is selected and is not being edited.
Also there's no New Site "button". Do you mean the New site "item/node" in the sessions tree?

How to change site settings

I am using a portable version of WinSCP 6.3.6.
If I click the New Site button, I see an Advanced button. I do not see that if I click on the site I created. How do I change any of its settings please?