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Topic review


Deloitte & WinSCP

Hello again, it would be better for us if you share an e-mail address as the company has special Cyber ​​Risk questions. We do not want private information to remain on the form page.

Re: Deloitte & WinSCP

As I have written above, please post your questions here.

Deloitte & WinSCP

Thank you for your feedback. We will share some question sets with you, could you please share an e-mail address?

Re: Deloitte & WinSCP

This forum is the only point of contact. You can ask your questions here.

Deloitte & WinSCP

Dear Team,

We are planning to use is going to be setup on Deloitte computers. In order provide our Deloitte standards we have some procedure to implement before we got product. Shortly, we have to implement Vendor Cyber Risk Assesment for application. Could you share with point of contact to walk on this way from your side?