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Topic review


At the very least the get command cannot take three arguments:
/ * c:\folder\
Maybe you have meant /*?

I switched PC and then it worked.

Why is this script wrong? - it seems to work?

Re: Download from SFTP

Your script command is wrong. But as WinSCP GUI does not work, it's a secondary issue now.
Please post verbose logs both from FileZilla and WinSCP showing successful and failed download of the same file.

Sorry – the WinSCP GUI does ALSO not work.
But when using FileZilla manually it works – but both WinSCP GUI or script does not work with same error code 4.

Download from SFTP

I have a quite easy task – but somehow it does not work.

With WinSCP GUI, I can manually add the the connection and download files – it is just .txt files.

I however, just want a script to do this, so did try do everything from command line first. I try manually from command line calling WinSCP.

And run the
get / * -filemask=*.txt c:\folder\

Everytime if for some reason can download a folder called "processing" – but that just on first .txt file it try and download it stops and show error with error code 4.

If I just try and download 1 of the txt files it also just show error code 4. Everything works fine from WinSCP gui where I can download files.