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Re: {Sorta resolved}

Where did you turn the ransomware protection off? On a server or on a client?

{Sorta resolved}

I ended up turning off the Windows Ransomware protection and it now allows the modification. How would I go about making it where I can keep ransomware on but allow WinSCP to modify?

No Permission - Error 3 [RocketNode VPS]

So after hours of trying to debug I still can't figure out why I can't modify any type of file within WinSCP. It has worked for all other hosting services that I have used.

I have tried:

  • Opening port 22
  • Installing OpenSSH
  • Changing permissions on the server
  • Changing owners
  • Modifying the OpenSSH config

I am signed in through the administrator account on the server with WinSCP on my home computer.