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Re: interested in winSCP source code -- LOST!!

bitter_moon_1 wrote:

Do you know which part of the code i could start from? Is there a document describing what each file does, wat each Class is for, and how they interact? Your help would be appreciated.

There's no such documentation :-( In readme file in source code package you can find very brief description of the folders.

Re: interested in winSCP source code -- LOST!!

martin wrote:

What are you interested in particularly?

i want to understand the source code thoroughly, but i am not very good at reading other people's code. I have no idea where to start.
The reason i'm interesed in winSCP is twofold:
1) i want to brush up on my C++, understand cryptography in more detail and lean how to build an application from scratch
2) i want to be able to contribute to the open source community.

Do you know which part of the code i could start from? Is there a document describing what each file does, wat each Class is for, and how they interact? Your help would be appreciated.

Re: interested in winSCP source code -- LOST!!

What are you interested in particularly?

interested in winSCP source code -- LOST!!

hi all,
i am interested in learning the source code for winscp. i looked at the source and i couldnt understand what was going on...the code has no comments. where do i start?