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Re: WinSCP.exe does not match assembly version WinSCPnet.dll

Those files were in the same directory and my guess is, that the assembly was somehow running while I did the reinstallation? I have no idea.
I just gave up and did whole new installation that solved my problem. Both versions now align and PowerShell is working.
Thanks for replying anyway..


Re: WinSCP.exe does not match assembly version WinSCPnet.dll

We do not know your setup. And hiding the paths make it even more difficult for us to help.

My guess is, that you have separate copy of the .NET assembly along with your script, without a copy of winscp.exe. So the assembly falls back to using an installed copy of winscp.exe. In general, either use the assembly from WinSCP installation (so that it will always use the installed and compatible winscp.exe). Or make a copy of the same version of both the assembly and winscp.exe along your script.

WinSCP.exe does not match assembly version WinSCPnet.dll

Hi, after latest upgrade of WinSCP the PowerShell script stopped to work due to an error:
The version of C:\...\winscp.exe ( does not match version of this assembly C:\...\WinSCPnet.dll (

How can I make those two versions align? Why it was not upgraded to the same version and why it actually bothers PowerShell?
Could anyone help with this? Or do I have to reinstall all..