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Re: Windows and Truecrypt

I'd like to use Truecrypt (.org) as well as WinSCP on a WinXP machine. My private key for the login to a server is located within a mounted drive, the "container" with the encrypted files is located in my personal files folder. Now, after I put the key into the container and added it via pageant to the computer memory, I get an error message every time I login to a server using my private key. It's in German, roughly translating to

"File 'C:/mypersonalfolder/myprivatekey.ppk' doesn't exist or doesn't contain a private key in a known format.
abort | ignore | help"

I can ignore the message and just continue, but the popup is a nag... is there a way to get around it? (I'll add my correspondent posting in the forum later)

And are you sure you spelled the private key file name correctly? The reason it connects is that you have loaded the key also to pagent. Then the key specified in the login dialog is ignored as long as any pagent key works.

Re: Windows and Truecrypt

argh. If anyone wonders about the title, it should read "WinSCP and TrueCrypt"... sorry... :oops:

Re: Windows and Truecrypt

the url to the WinSCP forum thread: <invalid hyperlink removed by admin>#18768

Windows and Truecrypt

I'd like to use Truecrypt (.org) as well as WinSCP on a WinXP machine. My private key for the login to a server is located within a mounted drive, the "container" with the encrypted files is located in my personal files folder. Now, after I put the key into the container and added it via pageant to the computer memory, I get an error message every time I login to a server using my private key. It's in German, roughly translating to

"File 'C:/mypersonalfolder/myprivatekey.ppk' doesn't exist or doesn't contain a private key in a known format.
abort | ignore | help"

I can ignore the message and just continue, but the popup is a nag... is there a way to get around it? (I'll add my correspondent posting in the forum later)
best regards,
