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Topic review


Shema wrote:

There is no "save position bug" with files on HDD.

There is :-) It may happen less often, but it happens too. I still believe that it is a bug of FAR. It happens approximately since the official 1.70 release. With earlier builds of 1.70 it worked fine.

There is no "save position bug" with files on HDD.

I think this is problem with temporary files... Can plugin control names of temp files? Maybe, projection of remote file to specific file on HDD can solve problem...

Re: Save position in editor

I aware of the bug. But for me it happens for files on HDD as well, so I do not think that it is bug of WinSCP, but rather bug of FAR.

Save position in editor

Hello, all!

In the lastest versions of Far (1.70+) and WinSCP (1.51) sometimes editor doesn't save position in files.

While I edit any files on HDD all ok, but while I do it in scp session sometimes (not always but very frequently) position in file drops to file beginning.

In previous versions (Far 170b5, WinSCP 1.4+) bug was absent.

I use SSH/SCP protocol.