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Re: Internal viewer always used by default

creator wrote:

I don't seem to find the place to change the behaviour of double-click on WinSCP. Where is it?

There's a link in my first reply.

Re: Internal viewer always used by default

martin wrote:

creator wrote:

You seguested to change the action for double-click. To which action were you sugesting to change to?

To "open".

Sorry about this, but I'm feeling a bit stupid :shock:
I don't seem to find the place to change the behaviour of double-click on WinSCP. Where is it?


Re: Internal viewer always used by default

creator wrote:

You seguested to change the action for double-click. To which action were you sugesting to change to?

To "open".

Re: Internal viewer always used by default

martin wrote:

creator wrote:

But the action for double-click should continue to be Open. And why is the internal viewer being used?

Sorry, I do not understand.

You seguested to change the action for double-click. To which action were you sugesting to change to?


Re: Internal viewer always used by default

creator wrote:

But the action for double-click should continue to be Open. And why is the internal viewer being used?

Sorry, I do not understand.

Re: Internal viewer always used by default

martin wrote:

In preferences, change an action for double-click.

But the action for double-click should continue to be Open. And why is the internal viewer being used?

Re: Internal viewer always used by default

In preferences, change an action for double-click.

Internal viewer always used by default

I have installed WinSCP on several PCs and two in particular are showing this behaviour. When you double click (Open) on any file, the internal viewer is always used instead of the correct associated application.
If I use (Open with) I'm able to select the right application and it opens correctly.

WinSCP version is 3.8.2.
SFTP is being used.
Norton commander interface style is defined.

To my knowledge all instalations have the default options that come with the installer.
Any ideas on why this is happening?