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Re: UNC path

brown wrote:

Firstly I did not have a clue what UNC means. Anyhow now I know. But you did not explain how to get around this. I am having the exact same problem and i really want to store the folder in My Documents, problem is, I cant get to it.

You can download files/folders to UNC paths, if you type target UNC path to destination box of copy dialog. You can also use Browse button.

UNC path


Firstly I did not have a clue what UNC means. Anyhow now I know. But you did not explain how to get around this. I am having the exact same problem and i really want to store the folder in My Documents, problem is, I cant get to it.

Re: **URGENT** UNC path not supported

ryancochran wrote:

I need some urgent help here. I am trying to get someone to use WinScp so they have just downloaded it and were able to login. The problem is when they try to open 'my documents' to transfer files over it comes up with 'UNC path not supported' although when they transfer files from 'desktop' it works fine.....Could someone help me with this? It's really urgent. They are using the latest version of Windows Pro and Winscp 3.8.2

WinSCP does not support browsing of UNC paths, althought it supports uploads from them.

possible solution

Hey there,

I may have found something at microsoft support pages.
<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>
Any ideas if this could be the possible solution?

**URGENT** UNC path not supported


I need some urgent help here. I am trying to get someone to use WinScp so they have just downloaded it and were able to login. The problem is when they try to open 'my documents' to transfer files over it comes up with 'UNC path not supported' although when they transfer files from 'desktop' it works fine.....Could someone help me with this? It's really urgent. They are using the latest version of Windows Pro and Winscp 3.8.2

thank you in advance