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Topic review


Re: Root Access ...

Maybe you can finally tell us, what does not work? :-) Any error message? Can you post a log file?

Re: Root Access ...

Yes i've tried it with root in the shell login box thingy and that doesnt work either.

Re: Root Access ...

You can try to use your 'root' command (whatever it is) as the 'shell' in WinSCP.

Re: Root Access ...

I've tried putting this "/bin/bash -c 'sudo su -'" in the shell thingy in the WinSCP login box and that didnt work.

I've tried typing su - and su (i dont really know what im doing) in the PuTTY window that doesnt give me root access, but i type root i become root.


Re: Root Access ...

All I can recommend you is in the FAQ. But providing you have read it already... What does not work?

Root Access ...

I'm trying to get WinSCP to connect to the server with root access. I've read the FAQ and that doesnt work. I've searched around the net and couldnt find anything.

If i connect to the server using WinSCP, then click the PuTTY icon and then type root i become root.

Before i formated my machine it worked fine as i had something typed into "Environment -> SCP -> Shell"

But i didnt write that down before i wiped my computer.

Any ideas cheers