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Re: Error on drag-and-drop from Japanese name folder.

harrysmith0 wrote:

Is there any solution to copying filenames with Japanese characters. I get 'C:\?????.doc' does not exist on synchronization. Then the synchronization aborts.

Under what circumstances do you get the error?

Re: Error on drag-and-drop from Japanese name folder.

Is there any solution to copying filenames with Japanese characters. I get 'C:\?????.doc' does not exist on synchronization. Then the synchronization aborts.


Re: Error on drag-and-drop from Japanese name folder.

Thank you.
I emailed my address for you.

Re: Error on drag-and-drop from Japanese name folder.

I'll check it. Can you mail me your email address, so I can contact you, in case I need more information?

Error on drag-and-drop from Japanese name folder.

Error occurs when drag-and-drop from Japanese name folder to WinSCP.

When drag-and-drop a folder that in Japanese name folder to WinSCP,
error occurs.
And file translation is incomplete.

When drag-and-drop same folder that in NON Japanese (English only) folder to WinSCP,
NO error ouccrs.
And file translation is complete.

Error message is
"File/Folder '????' does not exist."

??? is incomplete path of folder.
That is 'uments and Settings\My Name\(Desktop in Japanese)\folder1'
True is 'c:\Docuuments and Settings\My Name\(Desktop in Japanese)\folder1'

Image is like that.

\a folder <- drag-and-drop this folder to WinSCP.

\a folder <- drag-and-drop this folder to WinSCP.

How can I overcome it?
Please,tell me.