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the mistake was

that instead of using i used WinSCP3.exe !!!

Re: what do u mean there is no GUI?

With 3.7.5 you need to add /console parameter. But you are definitely advised to upgrade.

what do u mean there is no GUI?

i have a GUI which i use to manualy chhose files and transfer???
or i miss understand something?!?!
the version is 3.7.5
any idea?

Re: i tried it

pelegk2 wrote:

but it still popups for a password !
maybe something in the sofwate as it installed or configured make me the problem>
thnaks i nadvance

If you run it as above it cannot ask for password as there is no GUI unless you also use the /console parameter. Or unless you use some old version of WinSCP. So what version do you use?

i tried it

but it still popups for a password !
maybe something in the sofwate as it installed or configured make me the problem>
thnaks i nadvance

Re: schedualing and password confirm

The correct command may be:
C:\PROGRA~1\WinSCP3\WinSCP3.exe /command "open user:pass$$@" "put c:\WG.PRN /backup/" "exit"

schedualing and password confirm

i am trung to write a scheduale that will open the winscp3 software and copu a file from 1 server to another
itried to do it like in the FAQ but the password keep's om prompting (i am doing it on from winxp to win2003 server for test but later it will be from one win2003 server to another)
this is the line written in the "RUN" command :
C:\PROGRA~1\WinSCP3\WinSCP3.exe "open user:pass$$@"  "c:\WG.PRN  /backup"   "exit"

all the quote marks i hhope there are ok?!?!?
the source folder if from the C and the destination is the destination SFTP folder and there to a sub folder called backup
can any 1 help?
thnak in advance