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Re: winscp window get distorted when using MS virtual deskto

Meantime I use workaround : before leave the desktop with WinSCP - always minimize it.

Some other programs suffer from MS-VDM switching also.

Re: winscp window get distorted when using MS virtual deskto

Compatibility with MSVDM has been improved. The partial fix will be included into the next release.

ms virtual desktop

i have been using version 3.7.4 with ms virtual desktop. this version seems to have no problem switching between virtual desktops.

Re: winscp window get distorted when using MS virtual deskto

In version 3.8.2 b330 this is better. The window can be restored after switching to another desktop but sequence "leave winscp window open", "switch to another desktop", "lock computer" will cause similar problem.

Re: winscp window get distorted when using MS virtual desktop

It is known bug. I hope to solve it, but I do not know how, yet.
F. J. Gaztelua

winscp window get distorted when using MS virtual desktop

I use WinSCP regularly (3.6 and 3.8, Norton Commander interface) without problems. Recently I installed MS powertoy VDM (Virtual Desktop Manager). In the normal use you change back and forth between desktops. When I return to the desktop that contains the WinSCP windows, these get distorted: only a small bar appears on screen and you can't restore it to its normal state. I know this is a very special case. Any suggestions, anyway?
F. J. Gaztelua