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Topic review


OK, what were the reasons the transfer failed?

We use FreeFTPd as the file server.

thank you

Re: How to delete the *.filepart?

What server do you use?

How to delete the *.filepart?

Hello all:

I always meet the following problems when I use WinSCP 3.82 Build330.
The only solution I have now is to reboot server whenever I meet this problem.

The problem is as follows:

If I upload a big file, say aa.pdf to server, however, the transmission is
failed due to some other reasons. Then server will have a file named
as aa.pdf.filepart.

I try to clean those incomplete file, but system always reports the following error messages

Error Deleting File or Folder

Cannot delete aa.pdf: It is being used by another person
or program.
close any programs that might be using the file and try again

I did turn off the transfer resume function, but I still continue to meet the problem.

Is there anyway that I could kill some process or what, so that I can delete *.filepart without reboot the server?

Thank you