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Topic review


Re: Saving last Used Directory

See Remember last used directory on Directories tab of Login dialog.

Saving last Used Directory

I am using the same version 3.8.3 build 330 and experiencing the same problem. UpdateDirectory=0 is being set in the ini file and no where does it allow you to update from the session profile. I have to MANUALLY edit the ini file to change UpdateDirectory=1 for the last used directory to function as it did in earlier versions.

firehawk256 wrote:

I also have the same question. I am using 3.8.2 (build 330).

So 3.8.2 also does not preserve the settings?

Being able to change the path to "home", like when clicking on the home icon, would also be useful.

I do not understand. You have the "home icon". How else do you want to do that?

I also have the same question. I am using 3.8.2 (build 330). Being able to change the path to "home", like when clicking on the home icon, would also be useful.

Saving the last used directory is nice but sometimes when a user is lost in subdirectories it would be nice to have a place to restart at.

Re: Default Directory Display Settings

OK, can you try it first with the latest version?

Re: Default Directory Display Settings

Version 3.7.6 (Build 306)

Re: Default Directory Display Settings

It should be preserved automatically. What version of WinSCP are you using?

Default Directory Display Settings


I cannot figure out how to set up WinSCP so that when I open it, it defaults to the same directory layout for both remote and local windows. I always have to reset each side the same way every time I start it up and it's annoying!


Brian :?