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Re: Can I remove the Navigation drop down listing? If so how

It is not possible. You need to implement the restrictions on the server side. Please read FAQ.

Re: Can I remove the Navigation drop down listing? If so how

Sorry actually what I mean is on the right windowpane the user can actually drop down and then scroll up to see all "root" directories (/ and subdirectories) I want to remove that drop down so that they are not tempted to navigate the server.

Re: Can I remove the Navigation drop down listing? If so how?

Do you mean the visited paths history? You need to remove it manually from configuration storage.

Can I remove the Navigation drop down listing? If so how?

Can I remove the Navigation drop down listing? I am trying to repackage this application to give to my friends and I don't want them to be able to use the drop down option so browse through my server.

Thank you in advance.