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Thanks. Hopefully that does the trick!

Please try to lookup configuration option KeepUpToDateChangeDelay and set to it larger value (default is 500, half second).

I couldn't find any option to turn it off.

Does the VS.php have an option to turn off saving the temporary file? Just if you can check whether it causes the problem or not.

SFTP. I have SFTP (allow SCP fallback) checked and both SFTP and SCP work, so it should be using SFTP and not needing to fallback.

By the way, this could have something to do with the issue. I use VS.Php to edit my php files and when I hit save, it creates a temporary file really quickly in the same directory and then I think it moves it over the file I was saving. I wonder if this quick creating and removing of a file messes up anything.

Re: Synchronization - changes detected but not uploaded - v3.8.2

Do you use SFTP or SCP protocol?

Synchronization - changes detected but not uploaded - v3.8.2

Sometimes when I save a file with "Keep remote directory up to date" running, the monitoring window says "change in C:\mydir\ detected" but it doesn't upload any file. If I resave the file one or two times, then eventually it picks up the change and uploads the file.

This error occurs about 5% of the time or so during the same "Keep remote directory up to date" session. Sometimes there is no problem and sometimes there is.

This error occurs on two separate machines and after performing a full synchronization.