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Re: Gethehostbyname: unknown error

Fiona Malca wrote:

Hi, please help! When I enter the winscplogin

with all the correct host name, port number, user name and user password and SFTP allback, it comes up "gethostbyname:unknown error" and asks me to say OK, or retry. Retry does not work. Can you help?

Can you try to specify IP address instead of hostname?
Fiona Malca

Gethehostbyname: unknown error

Hi, please help! When I enter the winscplogin

with all the correct host name, port number, user name and user password and SFTP allback, it comes up "gethostbyname:unknown error" and asks me to say OK, or retry. Retry does not work. Can you help?

Re: Network error?

Is there any more text in addition to "network error"?

Network error?

Hi, sorry for my English, hope you'll be able to understand it. I've downloaded WinSCP3, and when i try to connect to my host using SCP, the message "Network error" appears. I'm sure the data are all right and i don't see what i'm doing wrong. could anybody help me?