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Topic review


I highly appreciate your work! However, I'm also hoping for a release fixing the problem with localization in combination with the WinXP SP2 NX feature (see several posts with topics like "Invalid access to memory" in the forum).

Can you provide me with contact to you, so I can send you a debug version to trace down the problem?

Dear Martin,

I highly appreciate your work! However, I'm also hoping for a release fixing the problem with localization in combination with the WinXP SP2 NX feature (see several posts with topics like "Invalid access to memory" in the forum).

Disabling NX is not really an option in my opinion for a program accessing the net, but working with a localized version would be so much more comfortable.

Anyway, thanks a lot for all your efforts!

I Need:

File checksum can be calculated from Properties dialog (providing the server supports the functionality).

SFTP uploads optimized.

Mirror mode for synchronization, where files are updated on any timestamp difference (i.e. even newer files are updated).

AND some bugfix. :)

Re: how time release new version?

I do not know yet. What feature are you interested in?

how time release new version?

as subject!