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Re: Compare by size

Is this working now?

Yes. Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.

Re: Compare by size

martin wrote:

I can add this in the next release.

Is this working now?

Great. I hope it will not be difficult.

Thank you very much.

Re: Compare by size

I can add this in the next release.

Compare by size

Oops...And can I use "CompareBySize=1" when scripting?
Does it have any effect?

IMO, it is very usefull to force a sync when file size differs.
At least, when synchronizing in one way.

Could you add this feature in a next release?

As said before, I have two machines. When I edit a file in the machine 1 and do a sync from machine 1 to 2, the file is not uplodad, so I have to connect via SSH and remove the file first in order to get it uploaded. This is very annoying.


In scripting you cannot synchronize by time. Moreover CompareByTime option is for "compare directories" function.

Yes, sorry, I mean scripting: /command "synchronize remote ..."

I'm using a ini file with /ini=<file>. In the ini file I defined CompareByTime=1, but it seems not to work.

Any advice?

Re: Scripting synchronize with filesize criteria

Do you actually mean scripting or /synchronize command-line option?

Scripting synchronize with filesize criteria

Hi Martin:

How are you?

Here is my question:

When scripting /synchronize, does it check the filesize criteria (as in de GUI)?

I have a problem where a sync to remote from a Win XP to a Redhat Fedora 5 is not synchronizing, alltough even filesizes differ.

Thanks for your support.