OK .... finally working.
Thanks for all your help!
If you login to you accound with terminal client, are you able to read (copy) the files (locally on the server)?
I created the account as it's not possible to login as root - and I have given it the same rights.
I'm assuming this is a pretty standard use for this product - so I must be doing something fundamentally wrong.
Does any know how to get around this?
It looks like you do not have a permissions to read the file. I do not know how to help you.
I'm sure this question has been answered .... but I can't find a suitable post.
I've just installed WinSCP and I am trying to copy a .vmdk file from an ESX server to a drive on my desktop. I'm logged in as an admin, not root (I don't think that is possible) and I get the following message:
When on SCP Protocol:
Received error message from remote side: 'scp: gessap165-flat.vmdk: Permission denied'
When on SFTP:
Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied
Request code: 3