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Topic review


Ah, I see (the retardedness of Windows, that is ;)...). More reserved words:

A possible solution for WinSCP would be to add a hash to the temporary local filename. But I guess you already have something similar or even better in mind.
Thanks anyway!

Re: crash when trying to edit specific file

Aux.* files are not allowed on Windows (try that yourself). And WinSCP does not handle that properly. I'll try to fix it.

crash when trying to edit specific file

WinSCP always worked great for me, until today.

When trying to open a certain remote file 'aux.hpp' (by pressing F4), winSCP just hung up on me. It never did this before. So I cropped and touched it to be reborn empty, restart WinSCP etc - same crash. Hmm, should the name of the file be the cause? Tried it on another aux.hpp on another place - same crash. Variations on this theme: crashes on aux.cpp and aux.test, but NOT on aux2.ext (all empty dummy files, just for the bug hunt). Do the programmers feel no-one (else) should use any aux.*?! :)

* version 3.8.2 (build 330)
* logging mode: debug 2 (sample crash logfile (<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>))
* SFTP (v3)
* Norton Commander-style interface
* No error message! WinSCP initiates the copy to local temporary directory, it seems to finish ok, then the dialog disappears and the program just hangs.
* Taken steps with above logfile:
- login
- scroll down in home dir
- select aux.cpp and press F4 to edit. crash.