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Topic review


Re: The DST changes in 6 weeks

I do not think WinSCP should have any problems with the change. In respect to this, it completely relies on implementation of DST in Windows.

Re: The DST changes in 6 weeks

to give you a better explanation, click on the following link to microsoft's website.... it explains everything better then I could - <invalid hyperlink removed by admin> . Basically, this update will refresh the windows side as far as time goes... but any other program that uses any form of authentication (like Kerebos) that is time based, will need to be synched with windows. If it is not, then it will not work. That simple. I really do not foresee this as a problem with this program, but I have to be sure. I was actually hoping that a software engineer who wrote this program could provide some feedback. Anyway, hope to hear something soon.

Thanks - D

Re: The DST changes in 6 weeks

What kind of difference it is?

The DST changes in 6 weeks

As you all know, the DST will change in about 6 weeks. Not on the usual time, but a new one. Windows and several other companies already have patches and updates out. I need to know if there are any patches for WinSCP that will make it compatible with this change, or if it is windows based. I am using version 3.7.6 The only reason I bring this up at all is it is a web intensive application and uses time stamps. As such, I need to know if it will be effected by the DST change.

