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Topic review


one speed up besides faster connection setup, is that finally arc4 is supported. this should dramatically reduce computational requirements for quick file transfers, for those of us that can accept slightly 'weaker' encryption.

Re: New PuTTY (0.59) released

fdpm wrote:

Well, I read WinSCP is partially based on PuTTY code. Well there is the new 0.59 release out there and it seems this release solves some speed issue (among others).

I've noticed some improvement in PSCP/PSFTP, but WinSCP does not use code of these. Anyway I can take a look at the changes, maybe I find some inspirationn :-)

New PuTTY (0.59) released

Well, I read WinSCP is partially based on PuTTY code. Well there is the new 0.59 release out there and it seems this release solves some speed issue (among others).
Do you think there would be any improovement in using the new source code of putty?

BTW, thank you very much for this great piece of software :-)

