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Topic review


Ok, I was being really stupid. Somehow I had managed to get hold of version2 instead of version 3.x!

I've now downloaded the correct version and all is fine :)


New installation for Vista, no Duplicate?

Hi All

I've been using winSCP for quite a while to connect to a linux server to upload files / manage uplaoded sites and sometimes to edit files directly on the server (it's only a test server).

Over the weekend I installed Vista and downloaded the latest WinSCP version. The right click menus for the local and remote panes seem very different, there is no New Folder Option (although I found the button at the bottom instead) and crucially on the remote view there is no Duplciate option. I use this ALL the time.

Am I just being really stupid and not finding the right option or has it been removed?

Many Thanks.