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Re: Connecting recursively

How do you enable it under an account?

Ask your server administrator.

Re: Connecting recursively

martin wrote:

thejasviv wrote:

2007-02-07 13:43:54 Forwarded connection refused by server: Administratively prohibited [open failed]

As can be seen in the last line, something has happened which prevented me from connecting to the remote server.

You account does not have forwarding allowed.

How do you enable it under an account?

Re: Connecting recursively

Thanks Martin!!

I will work with my System Administrator to have this enabled.

Re: Connecting recursively

thejasviv wrote:

2007-02-07 13:43:54 Forwarded connection refused by server: Administratively prohibited [open failed]

As can be seen in the last line, something has happened which prevented me from connecting to the remote server.

You account does not have forwarding allowed.

Re: Connecting recursively

Here is the putty event log extract:

2007-02-07 13:42:01 Looking up host ""
2007-02-07 13:42:01 Connecting to port 22
2007-02-07 13:42:02 Server version: SSH-2.0-Sun_SSH_1.1
2007-02-07 13:42:02 We claim version: SSH-2.0-PuTTY_Release_0.58
2007-02-07 13:42:02 Using SSH protocol version 2
2007-02-07 13:42:03 Doing Diffie-Hellman group exchange
2007-02-07 13:42:03 Doing Diffie-Hellman key exchange
2007-02-07 13:42:03 Host key fingerprint is:
2007-02-07 13:42:03 ssh-rsa 1024 69:b8:4d:19:5b:c3:24:9b:70:92:99:8f:ca:13:c2:8e
2007-02-07 13:42:03 Initialised AES-128 client->server encryption
2007-02-07 13:42:03 Initialised HMAC-SHA1 client->server MAC algorithm
2007-02-07 13:42:03 Initialised AES-128 server->client encryption
2007-02-07 13:42:03 Initialised HMAC-SHA1 server->client MAC algorithm
2007-02-07 13:42:10 Access granted
2007-02-07 13:42:10 Opened channel for session
2007-02-07 13:42:10 Local port 3111 forwarding to
2007-02-07 13:42:10 Allocated pty (ospeed 38400bps, ispeed 38400bps)
2007-02-07 13:42:11 Started a shell/command
2007-02-07 13:43:53 Opening forwarded connection to
2007-02-07 13:43:54 Forwarded connection refused by server: Administratively prohibited [open failed]

As can be seen in the last line, something has happened which prevented me from connecting to the remote server.

Can someone help me please?

Anonymous wrote:

I tried with 3 methods - local, remote and dynamic port forwarding. But no luck. I get the following error message: "Server unexpectedly closed connection". Please help.

Please check the event log of PuTTY. Maybe you can find something that will help you.

I tried with 3 methods - local, remote and dynamic port forwarding. But no luck. I get the following error message: "Server unexpectedly closed connection". Please help.

Re: Connecting recursively

Please read FAQ.

Connecting recursively

Hi All,

I connect to a solaris box (say box A) from my local machine using putty(ssh). From there I connect to the rest of the boxes (say box B and box C). But I am unable to connect to box B and box C directly from my local machine. Can someone let me know how do I do that in WinScp?
