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Re: what do you edit on the ".profile"

wyim wrote:

i have the same error. i got to the .profile file, but i don't know what to edit.

Can you post a complete error message?

what do you edit on the ".profile"

i have the same error. i got to the .profile file, but i don't know what to edit.

The easiest way would be to login to your server using SSH terminal (such as PuTTY) and edit the files there.

I'm trying to follow the instructions in your FAQ to fix the "received too large packet size error." But I'm running windows.. other than the "Run" command line, I don't know where to find that script that you suggest might be .profile.

Re: How do I access my login script?

Why do you look for login script? Login scripts are located on your server, in your home directory. Typically /home/<username>.

How do I access my login script?

I don't know how to find my login script? What is a login script? I have no files that start with a "." like ".profile" in c:/program files/winscp3... Isn't that my home directory?

Sorry for dumb questions.