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thanks for the link but it just won't fit the bill. the box I use winscp on is the only windows box in the game (the others are real servers. i.e. linux, solaris, bsd, etc...).

there are 4 different servers behind the firewall that I need to transfer files to and from and logging in to the shell server to start a tunnel is just about as much work as just typing in the scp command to transfer the files.

hmmmm. thanks anyway.


Re: Proxying with WinSCP

The functionality will be supported natively with the next release. Meanwhile, this FAQ may help you.

Proxying with WinSCP

Hey all,

I have a strange situation ATM. I am having to connect to a clients server (behind a firewall) from a computer that has a static IP.

My connection at home has a dynamic so I connect to another ssh account that has a static and then to the client system per ssh.

to transfer files I use winscp to upload to my shell server (static ip) and then I ssh in and scp the files to my clients server (behind firewall with IP filtering).

me/DHCP --> shell server --> firewall --> client server

as you can see this is rather annoying. I am trying to get the proxy functions working to that I can connect to the shell server and then through it to the client server.

any ideas?
