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Able to set default settings for sessions started winscp

martin wrote:

raldred wrote:

Ok, that would be great because i guess there is no way to edit the temporary settings that are created?

You can alter the settings from PuTTY. But only those that WinSCP does not create (most terminal/appearance settings).

I am able to change the WinSCP created settings by starting putty, so i am able to get custom colors on my putty session started by winscp. And these stay as defaults :D

raldred wrote:

Ok, that would be great because i guess there is no way to edit the temporary settings that are created?

You can alter the settings from PuTTY. But only those that WinSCP does not create (most terminal/appearance settings).

Ok, that would be great because i guess there is no way to edit the temporary settings that are created?


Re: integration with putty - default settings

WinSCP stores the settings into "WinSCP temporary session" session in Putty session list. You may try to alter that. In the next version, I may improve that to load the defaults from default putty session.

integration with putty - default settings

Hey, I use the icon in winscp to open putty and automatically log me into the shell.
but I cant find where the session settings are stored for the instance of putty that winscp opens.

Basically I would like to increase the default line scrollback... I have changed the default settings in putty, but this doesn't effect the instances opened by winscp.

Any ideas?
