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Topic review


thank you, that appears to work as described.

Ryan_Ricks wrote:

This thread seems like it is saying include masks only work for a pre-determined, specified directory.

That's wrong interpretation.

So do you want to synchronize, say only all *.txt files in all subdirectories of certain tree?
For that, use this include mask:
*/; *.txt


i created an account this time.

i'm having the same problem. i need to synchronize files that meet a certain criteria through an undetermined number of sub-directories.

This thread seems like it is saying include masks only work for a pre-determined, specified directory.

Is there no way to apply include masks globally?

so include filters are not applied recursively?

Re: synchronize with include isn't working at all

[quote="prikryl"]Again, please do 3 separate synchronize commands. Using your way you would have to explicitly enable all levels of the directories. Like
/srv/;/srv/www/;/srv/www/confixx/ ...[/quote]

i don't like to have 3 seperate synchronize commands if the software allows me to have one command.

why is it required to explicitly enable all levels? the normal sync command (if i split them in 3 seperate commands) sync the subdirectories, too.

Re: synchronize with include isn't working at all

Again, please do 3 separate synchronize commands. Using your way you would have to explicitly enable all levels of the directories. Like
/srv/;/srv/www/;/srv/www/confixx/ ...

Re: synchronize with include isn't working at all

martin wrote:

You miss an inclusing of files contained in the directories. Anyway you would safer do this with 3 separate synchronize commands.

i tried different filters, and all are not working. For e.g.:

*/backup/*;*/srv/www/confixx/html/webalizer/*; */srv/www/web*/log/*;*/var/log/apache2/*;

Re: synchronize with include isn't working at all

You miss an inclusing of files contained in the directories. Anyway you would safer do this with 3 separate synchronize commands.

synchronize with include isn't working at all


i'd like to backup my server. i tried to use the synchronize function for this, but this isn't working at all. everytime it tells me "nothing to synchronize". What's wrong with the script?

option transfer automatic
option include "/backup;/srv/www/confixx/html/webalizer;/srv/www/web*/log;"
synchronize local "D:\Backup" "/"
