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All right, I didn't realize that the "option batch on" is part of the commands! :mrgreen: [login info] /command "option batch on" "option confirm off" "put *.EPS" "close"

works just fine.

Using command line version with option batch on

Hi there

I'm trying to use WinSCP3 from the command line. I do not want to use the /script parameter unless I have to, because I'm discovering files I need to SCP on the fly, and my code calls WinSCP3 like so: [the server info, which I edited out] /command "put TEST1.EPS"

That works fine. However, I need to use the option batch on and option confirm off switches as well. Can I do that straight from the command line, or do I have to use a script? That would be inconvenient because I'll have to build the script on the fly, too, won't I? I tried it from the command line, like so: [the server info, which I edited out] option batch on option confirm off /command "put TEST1.eps"

but I still get the prompt.