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Re: prevent resolving of symlinks during synchronize

jamal wrote:

1. Am I right that winscp cannot copy symlinks as symlinks (even if they are relative)?

No WinSCP cannot do that. It is hard to do soemthing like that on Windows.
2. Is there a script setting that will allow me to ignore symlinks?

No yet.

prevent resolving of symlinks during synchronize


I'm successfully been using a script to synchronize my computer to a server. The server contains many symlinks to files and so these files end up on my machine twice. I would either like to copy the symlink as a symlink (which i gather is not possible), or ignore the symlink entirely.

1. Am I right that winscp cannot copy symlinks as symlinks (even if they are relative)?
2. Is there a script setting that will allow me to ignore symlinks?


Here is my batch file:
echo off /script=getData.txt
if errorlevel 1 goto error

echo Success!
goto end

echo Error!


And here is getData.txt:

# if there is an error, abort right away
option batch abort
# do not prompt for permission to copy, etc
option confirm off
# ascii data
option transfer ascii

# open a connection to remote system

# update my local folder to match the remote folder
synchronize local "localdir" remotedir

# disconnect and exit winscp