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Sorry I am a fool

Please, stop my request.
I havn't all my head ... I don't use the same PW :mrgreen:

How to connect from 2 ways ?


I use Winscp from some days, and it works fine. I use it for connecting in root to 2 differents servers, my working location.

But now, i would to connect also from my home location, also I have installed the same release (3.8.2 build 330) of Winscp

In the two locations, I have fixed IP from the same FAI.

But it my home location, I have entered the correct server adress, login root and password, but Winscp not be able to connect: there is denied acces and it there is a windows who want to tape the password, but there is always denied acces.

What is the way to works from the 2 sites.
Thanks for your replay