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Re: disable resume feature?

Just for clarification, I was using a Win98 system & WinSCP to transfer files to a Fedora Core 1 system that had a LexarMedia JunkDrive mounted r/w.

As if it matters ...

disable resume feature?

Anonymous wrote:

Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied (?)
Request code: 18

I believe because I am not actually logged in as root. Is there any way around this?

Thanks a lot!

I received this same error message, but my situation was different.

I was using a LexarMedia Jumpdrive, had it mounted with r/w access, and was logged in as root (private system, on private lan, for test purposes) just to make sure I would have no problems.

A single files would transfer, but whenever I tried dragging&dropping directories, or even a few particular files (one in particular I am thinking of was a fake virus executable (made the screen flash and do weird stuff) which wouldn't transfer.

It would not rename FILENAME.part to FILENAME.

When I disabled transfer resuming, it fixed my problem.

Good luck on yours.

Great app BTW! I would highly recommend it to anyone (and do when I have the oppurtunity!).

Take Care,


I do not understand why you should be logged as root in order to download/upload. You may grant read/write permissions even to regular user, with which you are logged in.

Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied (?)
Request code: 18

I believe because I am not actually logged in as root. Is there any way around this?

Thanks a lot!

Re: Permissions

Why you cannot upload/download? What is an error message, if any?

To the 'root' issue: You cannot 'su root' with WinSCP, not with any other SCP/SFTP client. It is usually forbidden by the server.



I'm very new to servers, but have been on shared hosts for years. The company I have the server with allows me root access (it is my server, not a virtual one) but they have it set up to log in with my primary user id, and password. This works in Putty and WinSCP. I can move around directories and see everything. But, I do not seem to be able to upload or download or even rename. I am told as well that I need to issue the command su - to gain root access, then I enter the root password. This works in putty, I don't have a clue in WinSCP.

So my question is, how can I up/download and rename etc...

Thanks in advance!