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Topic review


Re: Append using scripts

Automatic appending from script is not supported.

Append using scripts

I am trying to SFTP a file to my server using the put command. There are instances were the file may already exist on the sever and would need to be appended to however i am unable to get past the following prompt asking.....

Remote file 'text.txt' already exists. Overwrite?
New: 12 bytes, 8/9/2007 8:45:04 AM
Existing: 44 bytes, 8/9/2007 8:45:04 AM
(Y)es, (N)o, (C)ancel, A(p)pend, New na(m)e, Ne(w)er only, N(o) to All, Yes to (

How do I get the script to enter a "p" at the prompt so that the file is appended to?

Re: Appending files using scripts

You may try to use appropriate server-side command using "call" command.

Appending files using scripts


i found in the Topic "Appending files" that it is not possible to append files,
if i am using scripts. The topic is now 2 years old, it seems that there is
still no solution.

Perhaps there is a solution, but i am not able to see it.

Thanks for help.

Kind Regards