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Re: Why is WinSCP so slow?

eladts wrote:

On a local 100M network I get with WinSCP about 900K/s in SCP and pitiful 70K/s in SFTP.

Um... if you are getting 900k in SCP why are you using SFTP (at 70k)? Hello!?!?!

Re: Why is WinSCP so slow?

martin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

There is no such phrase in English, the sentence is cut. It soluld say "rates of about 10MByte/sec".

Can you try for me PSCP? WinSCP is based on it, so it would help me to detect if problem is on my side or on its side.

Hello Martin!

WinSCP is slow because pscp is slow on sftp2 connections.

I had already reported this bug to simon. It seems to be a problem with acknowlegement of the packets.


Re: Why is WinSCP so slow?

Anonymous wrote:

There is no such phrase in English, the sentence is cut. It soluld say "rates of about 10MByte/sec".

Can you try for me PSCP? WinSCP is based on it, so it would help me to detect if problem is on my side or on its side.

Re: Why is WinSCP so slow?

martin wrote:

I'm not sure what does phrase "rates of about" mean in English. Is it "the same" or "above"?

There is no such phrase in English, the sentence is cut. It soluld say "rates of about 10MByte/sec".

Re: Why is WinSCP so slow?

I'm not sure what does phrase "rates of about" mean in English. Is it "the same" or "above"?

Why is WinSCP so slow?

On a local 100M network I get with WinSCP about 900K/s in SCP and pitiful 70K/s in SFTP. Using any other mothod (OpenSSH SCP, FTP etc) I get rates of about. How come WinSCP is so slow, especially using SFTP? The remote server is OpenSSH on Debian GNU/Linux and the local machine runs WinSCP on Windows XP SP1.