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Evidently the "Adjust remote timestamp with DST (Windows)" didn't take when I tried it before. It's working correctly now. :D

I'm running WinSCP 4.0 on Windows XP Pro, SP2. I'm currently doing some testing for the company I work for, and I've got freeFTPd installed on the same machine as WinSCP for my test SFTP server.

In WinSCP, I've tried all three DST settings [Preser&ve remote timestamp (Unix, Adjust remote timestamp with &DST (Windows), and Adjust remote timestamp to local co&nventions (Unix)], but my timestamps in the remote directory are always one hour different than the local timestamps. Is there another setting that I'm missing somewhere? I've tried each setting, then synchronized timestamps, and to no avail.


Re: Effect of DST on synchronize command

o_o wrote:

I should mention however that it did have the problems with files created before DST started

That's ok.

Re: Effect of DST on synchronize command

Thanks Martin. It works now. I read up the documentation and understood the reason for that.
I should mention however that it did have the problems with files created before DST started – however I just changed these timestamps as I really do not care about them.
Thanks again.

Re: Effect of DST on synchronize command

o_o wrote:

If I have understood correctly what you want, I first "Load" the stored session, and then I click on "Environment". Here I see "Daylight Savings Time" -> "Server adjusts DST" checked.

That's wrong. Server adjusts DST is for Windows servers. You should use Server works in UTC time.

Re: Effect of DST on synchronize command

Thanks for taking interest Martin.

If I have understood correctly what you want, I first "Load" the stored session, and then I click on "Environment". Here I see "Daylight Savings Time" -> "Server adjusts DST" checked.

It seems that I am using Version 3.8.2 (Build 330).

If you need anymore information, please let me know.
Thanks again,

Re: Effect of DST on synchronize command

Thanks. What is your "Daylight saving time" settings on Environment tab of Login dialog? Also what version of WinSCP are you using?

Re: Effect of DST on synchronize command

Dear Martin,

Thanks for responding. I actually did not know how to look at the timestamps, for those who don't know how to view the timestamps:

Go to "View" -> "Details",

Then you have a column that shows the date and the timestamp.

This is interesting. When I started WinScp today the timestamp of a particular file was

On Windows (local) April 10, 2007, 2:24 AM
While on Linux (remote) 4/10/2007 3:24:18 AM

Using the GUI I then synchronized "both" and now the local file did not change, but the timestamp of the remote file changed to

Linux (remote) 4/10/2007 2:24:18 AM

(I think that my two trials were over the 12 AM day change) Then I had a long talk with my sister up to about 1.30 AM here, and then looked at the GUI again i.e. logged back in. Now it seems that the remote file got changed back to its earlier timestamp i.e.

Linux (remote) 4/10/2007 3:24:18 AM

(Windows remained the same as April 10, 2007, 2:24 AM)

Using the GUI, I then synchronized "both" – and it copied the remote file to the local file, but the local file's timestamp remained unchanged. I then repeated the synchronization expecting nothing to happen – but it always copies the remote file to the local one, though the timestamps of both remain unchanged i.e.

Linux (remote) 4/10/2007 3:24:18 AM
Windows (local) April 10, 2007, 2:24 AM

All of this is without using the script i.e. just the GUI. Let me know if you have any ideas.

Thanks a lot.

Re: Effect of DST on synchronize command

If you login using the same settings in GUI, what timestamps do you see in local and remote panels?

Effect of DST on synchronize command

I just wanted to know regarding the effect of the DST on the synchronize command (during scripting). I am in Germany, and both my Windows XP and Linux machines are under the same DST and TimeZone (in the same city).
When I
synchronize both "C:\Som_dir" "/home/userhome/Som_dir"

It seems like WinScp always copies the files from the remote (Linux) to the local (Win XP) directory.

The first time this is OK for me – but if I synchronize once again and neither files are changed – then synchronizing again – simply copies the files again. This never stops.

Thanks a lot.