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Re: same problem

sopi20 wrote:

perfect.... I am really happy to hear to this Martin. When do you plan to release the next release ?

One or two weeks.

Re: same problem

martin wrote:

dblue wrote:

i experienced the same problem after updating from 3.8.2

This problem has been resolved already. The fix will be part of the next release.

perfect.... I am really happy to hear to this Martin. When do you plan to release the next release ?

Re: same problem

dblue wrote:

i experienced the same problem after updating from 3.8.2

This problem has been resolved already. The fix will be part of the next release.

same problem

i experienced the same problem after updating from 3.8.2

I'll check that.

Hi Martin,

no, in 3.8.2 this is working as it is supposed to be... I have upgraded just today to version 4 and this is really making me sad as the internal editor is one of the features that I use all the time.... can you please have a look at it ? As you can see, this really is an annoying bug....

Thanks a lot :)

Yes, I've got the same problem..

Sorry, I'm not sure if this is the same user. Did you answer the "3.8.2" question?

Yes, I've got the same problem.. It not that big a deal, just very annoying :) The editor window refuses to show. Even if you make the main window smaller(not maximized), it's on top of the editor window.

Re: Edit remote window won't come to front after going to back

Can you try that with 3.8.2?

Edit remote window won't come to front after going to back

Latest 4.0b, Win2k, "Norton-Look"

Connect to remote site, double-click somefile.php or similar to edit it, file gets downloaded, opened, fine.

Now switch to some other app or main WinSCP Window with Alt-Tab.

Then try to get to the editor-window again by clicking it in the taskbar, you can't. It always brings the main WinSCP to front.

Workaround 1: After Editor in Taskbar you have to click main app in Taskbar then it shows Editor

Workaround 2: With right mousebutton use "Minimize" in Taskbar on Editor Window, then it will show up, if you click it again.