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Thanks a lot Martin, all working like a charm on my U3.

Re: new u3 package since 4.0.3 has been released

Markuswells wrote:

Now that 4.0.3 is officially out can we get a u3 package? I am looking forward to the new features.

Sure. Give me some more time :-)

new u3 package since 4.0.3 has been released

Now that 4.0.3 is officially out can we get a u3 package? I am looking forward to the new features.


excelent! thanks dude!

sergiom99 wrote:

is this feature covered in the new release?

Yes it is. Providing you use the Putty U3 package available on U3 site, use following path:
But again, this expect that putty.exe is already extracted from the U3 drive. And this happens only if you run it at least once directly.
Also you would need to replace WinSCP.exe in the WinSCP package, as there is no WinSCP 4.0 U3 package, being beta version.

Hi Martin,
is this feature covered in the new release?
Thanks alot for your work!

I WILL be looking forward to this new release.
Thanks for your help dude!

Happy New Year! Happy Festivus!

sergiom99 wrote:

would it be necessary to use some sort of variable like %appdata%\xx.exe or something like that?

Yes it would. But 3.8.2 does not support that.

would it be necessary to use some sort of variable like %appdata%\xx.exe or something like that?

Re: too bad!

The next version will allow you to reference PuTTY executable in the temporary folder, where U3 launchpad extracts it to. But this would require you to manually launch PuTTY at least once, so it gets extracted.

too bad!

Thats bad news.

Maybe somewhere in the future??
Its really missing the point of having both U3 apps.

Thanks for your reply though.

Re: How to integrate WinSCP for U3 with PuTTY for U3?

I'm afraid there's no easy way to do that.

How to integrate WinSCP for U3 with PuTTY for U3?

I am now using the U3 versions of both Winscp and Putty. However, how can I make WINSCP 'see' the U3 putty?
I need to write something in the Putty path in the integration tab, but the putty.exe is inside its U3 package, as all the files in Winscp installation as well.

Many thanks- Sergio