You are missing a vital windows file. Not joking. I had this problem too (although different setup)
sfc /scannow
sfc /scannow
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The problem first occurs with verion 3.4.
Can run the setup of 3.3 without any problems.
Thanks. 3.4 was the first localized version, which one have you tried? winscp340setup.exe or winscp340setupintl.exe? Can you try both?
The problem first occurs with verion 3.4.
Can run the setup of 3.3 without any problems.
Was able to run the 3.0 Setup....that's weird. :shock:
OK. Can you, step by step, try to install later versions to find out the one that introduced the problem?
Was able to run the 3.0 Setup....that's weird. :shock: