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Re: Private key file

clueless wrote:

Hi, what program does the private key file have to be stored in or does it have to be in a specific location in Windows?...
WInScp is not recognizing the file

That is in OpenSSH format. WinSCP uses PuTTY, so the private key needs to be in the format PuTTY expects - a .ppk file. You can convert an OpenSSH format to a *.ppk using puttygen available at:

If that really was your private key you just posted, you've essentially given your password to the entire internet so you should obviously throw that one away and make a new one (which, by the way, puttygen can also do).

Private key file

Hi, what program does the private key file have to be stored in or does it have to be in a specific location in Windows? I am trying to use a private key file I have saved as .txt is this the correct syntax:

ssh-rsa "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAph3S2eZXk4ftBi+1/CkMaqah/GsBs4FP

WInScp is not recognizing the file

also do I just make a vi with this on the corresponding host?