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Thanks i will give it a bash and post a reply tomorrow

Re: KeepUpToDateChangeDelay

Rarlow wrote:

I have now downloaded V4.
Found the KeepUpToDateChangeDelay key in the registry under the interfaces directory and set it to 1800. I take it that that is seconds.

It is in milliseconds. Try to set more :-)


I have now downloaded V4.
Found the KeepUpToDateChangeDelay key in the registry under the interfaces directory and set it to 1800. I take it that that is seconds.
Still the copy start immediately when i move a file to that directory. For Big files i still get unable to open file with popup to retry, cancel etc.
Am i doing something wrong here?


On version 3.7.6(build 306) is there a way to delay the synchronization(keepuptodate) of directories. My problem is i am downloading a 2.6G file and the sync start immediately, which causes a prompt. i can't seem to find the keepuptodatedelay setting in the registry.
Any ideas?